News & Events

News & Events
- Advertisement No. C/08/2024(02) - Written Test/Personal Discussion (11th Nov 2024) - POSTPONED
- NCB IC Event: Innovate Youth: Building Tomorrow's Entrepreneurs.
Consultancy services for getting NABL Accreditation as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017
Notice on Public Grievance
NCB – CCE EVENTS / Forthcoming Training Programmes
Proficiency Testing Schemes
Corrigendum - Compassionate Appointment in NCB for Group “C” & “D
Compassionate Appointment in NCB for Group “C” & “D
NCCBM to host 17th International Congress on Chemistry of Cement (ICCC) in 2027 in New Delhi
Studies on coating and ring formations
Build ups and ring formation in cement rotary kilns has been known to induce operational instability and restrict gas/material flow to the point where kiln has to be stopped. Studies on coating and ring formation are taken up as a part of the diagnostic studies for minimizing/ eliminating coating and ring formation in cement rotary kiln system. The studies involve chemical and mineralogical evaluation of raw materials being used by the plant, evaluation of raw mix from periods of normal operation as well as from periods preceding ring/ coating formation and chemical and mineralogical evaluation of coating and ring samples. Recommendations have been found important on modifying the raw mix designs for avoiding coating/ ring formations
Latest Activities

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