News & Events

News & Events
- Advertisement No. C/08/2024(02) - Written Test/Personal Discussion (11th Nov 2024) - POSTPONED
- NCB IC Event: Innovate Youth: Building Tomorrow's Entrepreneurs.
Consultancy services for getting NABL Accreditation as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017
Notice on Public Grievance
NCB – CCE EVENTS / Forthcoming Training Programmes
Proficiency Testing Schemes
Corrigendum - Compassionate Appointment in NCB for Group “C” & “D
Compassionate Appointment in NCB for Group “C” & “D
NCCBM to host 17th International Congress on Chemistry of Cement (ICCC) in 2027 in New Delhi
NCB and IIT Hyderabad jointly organized a National Conference on Strategic Solutions and Opportunities for Cement Industry on 24 & 25 August 2023 at NCB Hyderabad. More than 130 delegates from prominent cement manufacturing companies and allied industries attended the conference. Technical exhibition was arranged to showcase the advanced and modern technologies and machinery. Conference was inaugurated by Shri Sunil Sharma, Special Chief Secretary (Energy), Government of Telangana. Shri Krishna Aditya Sriramsetti, Member Secretary, Telangana State Pollution Control Board, attended as the Guest of Honour. On the occasion, Dr L P Singh, Director General-NCB said that the sustainable development requires collective efforts by the industry, research organizations and Government. Dr B Panduranga Rao, Joint Director & Unit In-charge NCB –Hyderabad and Professor K V L Subramaniam, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Hyderabad welcomed all the delegates. Future plan of actions and strategies were discussed in a panel discussion comprised of experts from multi-disciplinary fields. Expert’s panel opined that strong collaboration between industry and research organizations is required to meet the sustainability challenges. There is need for use of green hydrogen in cement manufacturing. Introduction of PAT scheme for CO2 and green credit system will further boost the cement industry’s efforts towards net zero target. Panel urged the government and statutory bodies for the all the possible support to industry in this noble cause.
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