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    समाचार एवं घटनाक्रम

  • Energy Management


    Energy management is a key programme under CME which offers technical services related to Energy Audits and WHR feasibility studies to cement plants of India and abroad.


    • Energy audit studies in cement plants including captive power plants
    • Energy management, monitoring and target setting
    • Heat balance studies
    • Gas balance studies
    • Identification of potential for thermal and electrical energy savings and recommendations for remedial measures
    • Techno economic feasibility studies for waste heat recovery system (WHRS) in cement plants



    • Site visit and data collection
    • Measurement of Process and electrical parameters
    • Preliminary data analysis
    • Preliminary findings presentation at site
    • Detailed data analysis at our unit
    • Recommendations based on economic viability-short term, medium term & long-term measures.
    • Draft Report submission, discussion of recommendation with the client & finalizing the report with the client.

    AREA’S OF AUDIT (In brief)

    • Review of Electricity Bills, Contract Demand
    • Study of Motors Loading
    • Performance Evaluation of Boilers
    • Performance Evaluation of Turbines
    • Performance Evaluation of utilities like Compressors,Pumps,Fans,Blowers
    • Illumination System



    • Development of energy consumption norms for cement sector under Energy ConservationAct-2001 for Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)
    • Implementation of Energy Conservation Act – 2001 in cement sector for Integration GmbH,Germany through German technical cooperation (GTZ).
      • Baseline energy audits in 14 cement plants in india awarded by BEE
      • Mandatory energy audit in 03 cement plants in india
      • Techno economic feasibility studies for waste heat recovery system in 03 cement plants of India and abroad.
      • Energy Audit Studies (More than 170) completed
      • Derivation & Finalisation of normalization factor for cement plants in cooperation with BEE
      • Report on technological developments in cement industry.



    • Bureau of energy efficiency
    • Department of Industrial Policy and promotion (DIPP)
    • Lafarge
    • Ultratech
    • ACC
    • Prism cement Ltd
    • Ambuja Cements Ltd
    • Malabar cements ltd
    • East African Portland cement (Kenya)
    • Manikgarh cement
    • Lakshmi cement
    • TERI
    • CII

    नवीनतम गतिविधियाँ